Monday, July 09, 2007

Seduced by the lace

I was afraid of this happening.....

The Mystery Stole #3 (aka MS#3) has beguiled me away from my sock pal's gift. It ate up my entire knitting time tonight with it's freshly delivered beads (two DAYs! over a WEEKEND!! Now that's customer service!!)

This is the first half of Clue 1 - Chart A, row 1 to 50.

Yes, there's a life line in there. I'm brave, not foolish! That little dab of lace is several hours worth of work and I want it to feel safe *G*.

The cookie sheet acts as a tray to keep everything together. The little box is a needlework small that I made years ago; it functions to corral the needles used to put in the lifelines (of perle cotton - nice and slippery). There's a tiny pair of scissors on a matching fob in the back, far away from the lace and only out because I've JUST put the lifeline in. They will be tucked back into their box in just a moment. The little glass bowl/custard cup keeps just enough beads in front of me for a few rows at a time. I've dumped beads all over the floor before - NOT fun.

Chart is being marked off with the pencil and there is a pair of tiny, tiny crochet hooks for putting the beads on with. There's also a US0 dpn for picking up dropped stitches (heaven forfend!) and fixing tension issues.

I am SET!


Anonymous said...


I wish I could do lace.

See, I still read your blog.

Dee Anna

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

You can do lace - your work is wonderful. If you ever want to take the plunge, I'll help you pick out pattern and yarn - I don't enable, no, not at all!!