Monday, September 17, 2007

Education for Ministry - Intro week

As I get more and more involved at my church, I am noticing groups that I didn't know about when my attendance was more cursory. One of those groups is the Education for Ministry. This is a four year course that basically gives lay persons an Associates degree in theology.

I was invited to join last week and today was the first class. I'm flattered and intimidated at the same time. Somebody, somewhere, thinks I'd be a good candidate for a lay ministry. That both intrigues and frightens me. I wonder who it was and why.

It's a small group, just six people. I'm the only Year One student, there are two Year Two students, two in Year Three and one in Year Four. I can tell already that this will be intensive study - just like a college class.

If you're here for the fiber, please feel free to skip the entries with EFM in the title. They will be the journaling for class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I hope you enjoy the classes.

Dee Anna